
Showing posts from June, 2017

Allah, God, Buddha or Bhagwaan??

WOULD YOU COME IF SOMEONE CALLED YOU BY WRONG NAME? I WEPT BECAUSE FOR YEARS HE DID NOT ENTER MY ARMS; THEN ONE NIGHT I WAS TOLD A SECRET; PERHAPS THE NAME YOU CALL GOD IS NOT REALLY HIS, MAYBE IT IS JUST AN ALIAS. We call Him by different names. Some call Him God, others regard Him as Allah, Some ask for His mercy using the name Buddha and others call him Bhagwaan. He listens all of them and boon them with what they want. He never differ between ones who call Him Allah or ones who call Him God. He never stopped Himself granting ones who call Him Buddha or ones who regard Him as Bhagwaan. If He; the Almighty never felt bad on the names we gave Him, then why we people are ignorant towards people calling Him with the name we don't use. He; Allah, God, the Almighty has His own language through which He wants to talk to us. That's actually the soul of the world and that language is LOVE. For Him it doesn't matter what name you give Him, but what matters is how muc

What Are We??

I am not sure whether writers choose their subject or whether their subjects somehow come to find them. The idea of today's post came one Friday morning when I wandered nearly alone, through the Liberty Bazaar in Lahore, Pakistan. Most of the shops including counters piled high with figs, pistachios, djellabas, even toy trucks and cleaning products were closing for the Friday prayers. I could already see clumps of men depositing their scuffed shoes outside a huge mosque. Te only sounds in the bazaar that morning were the cooing of doves, fluttering in stone ceilings vaulted high above a dark second story of a few shops. I took out my notebook and started drawing something when suddenly a black haired 12-something-year old boy came to me and gave me a glass of milk with some almonds crushed in it. I took the glass, thanked him and asked that why was he being so generous? The boy replied," Because God love those who love His creation and after all we are here for Him and to fo