We All Are Valentine

                      WE ALL ARE VALENTINE

Each year on February 14th, many people exchange cards, candy, gifts or flowers with their specialvalentine.” The day of romance we call Valentine's Day is named for a Christian martyr and dates back to the 5th century. Many people love to celebrate this day but many shun love using the word romantic as a sign of disapproval.
Ever thought what's Rumi poetry about? Hopefully you people know the answer. Rumi poetry is about love. I never understand why people are against Valentine's day and still love Rumi. Though Rumi said,'' Be drunk in Love, since Love is everything that exists.''
This world is a home; home for humans, home for insects, home for birds, home for animals and home for dervishes. Each one of us looks for the negative perspective but we never thought about one good thing this day provides us with; LOVE.....
When a true lover of God goes into a tavern, the tavern becomes his chamber of prayer but when a wine bibber goes into the same chamber it becomes his tavern. Valentine's day is not different at all. Anybody can be your valentine. Your dad, your mum, your brother, your sister, your leader any person you love can be your valentine. As Shams is Valentine of Rumi and vice versa. In everything we do it is our heart that makes difference, not our outer appearance. When a Sufi stares at someone, he keeps both eyes closed and instead opens a third eye-the eye that sees the inner realm.
In this world where brother is killing his brother, where relations remain only for name, where people are thirsty......Rumi and Shams are whirling, they are whirling in the name of God they are whirling in the name of Love. Yes, they are each others Valentine. Let us celebrate this day in the name of Love, Let us celebrate this day in the name of Rumi and Shams.
Let poor Africans, Syrians, Burmese be our valentine. Your task is not to seek Love but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. 
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” 
― Jalaluddin Rumi

Be wise change yourself and celebrate your Valentine's day with every being around you, with every person you love, you admire BECAUSE......

                                                    Love is the reason
                                                            Love is the goal
                                                    Happy Valentine's Day

Yashal Jalil 


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