Is He or not?

‘Indeed my Lord is near and responsive 

-Holy Quran 

Salaam Everyone. I am back with a new post, let’s continue our search for the truth. Before I start, give your mind some work, have you ever thought about where is God? While laying in your bed, late at night, gazing at the ceiling, have you asked yourself,” Is He or not?” Well today, let’s find an answer to this question. Let’s find out: Is He or not?

 Life is fast and unpredictable. One moment we’re happy and the other, everything has changed. But in between all this, we forget to look around us. We start questioning His presence without considering His absence. I read in ‘Aleph by Paulo Coelho’ that ‘if you don’t pray, God may be near, but you won’t feel His presence.’ That’s what happens to us. We’re too busy to pray, and hence, we’re lost. By praying, I do not mean kneeling all the time in a mosque or to sit in a church all day. By praying, I refer to the observations, the silence, and those awakened eyes. This is praying. 

Following what is set, without even diving into the depths doesn’t make any sense. Open your eyes and look at Him around you, near you, seek Him because: ‘Although no one can seek Him the one who seeks, finds Him.’ 

See around you at this very present moment. Is He not present in the innocence of the child? Is He not present in the songs the birds sing? Is He not present in the flowing river or the silent sea? Is He not present in those colorful flowers? Is He not present in every droplet of rain? Is He not present in the burning sun or the glistening moon? Open your eyes and look around, Is He not present in the tree which shelters you? Is He not there in the love of a mother for her son? Is He not present in the love of a man for a woman? Is He not present in those unspoken feelings, in those intimate moments? Is He not present in the slurred speech of a drunk? Is He not present in the shack of a mystic? Is He not present in the dance of a Sufi? Watch around and you’ll see Him everywhere. Join each piece of this puzzle and you’ll find Him. He is present in that abandoned church. He is present in that buried city. Every word of history contains Him. Every piece of the painting depicts Him. Every drop of tear pours Him. Every action possesses Him. You find Him in the carving of old buildings. You find Him in each word of the old scripts. You see Him in your mother, in your father, and yes, you see Him in your beloved. Don’t question His presence, He is there. Answer your absence, where are you? 

Stand up today, right now, walk to the mirror and look in it. He is here, He is in the mirror, He is in you, He is you. Everything He has created is Him. Everything is God’s, yet everything is God. He is nowhere, yet He is everywhere. 

Stay blessed! 


Yashal Jalil


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