
Showing posts from 2016


Love is a universal feeling or emotion and every human on this earth loves someone. It is not necessary that love exists only between opposite sexes but love is there between human kind, between brothers, between sisters, between brothers and sisters, between parents and children, between husband and wife, between neighbors, between nations, between all relations and love also exists between humans and other living beings such as animals. Therefore, nobody can deny the existence of love in this world. Sometimes you need to describe the love you have for someone in words. At that time, you are in need of appropriate style and words through which you can deliver your feelings of love. But People forget that Love doesn't uses any language, Love has its own silent language. Love is the Water of Life Everything other than love for the most beautiful God  though it be sugar- eating.  What is agony of the spirit?  To advance toward death without seizing  hold of the Water


                                                   LOVE Why is it that the yearning for the Loved One (i.e., the Holy Prophet) is especially strong today? Why is my heart sadder today than even before? Why does longing penetrate every tissue of mine? And why are the eyes shedding tears like a shower of rain?   His shining face appeared to me in a vision, And fragrance emanated in profusion from His tresses; I fainted from the sight of these visions; The hordes of his eyes overpowered me.   His face shines like the full moon; A brilliant light radiates from his brow; His hair is black, and his eyes are bewitching and intoxicated.   His two eye-brows are like cross-bows, Hurling darts of pointed eye-lashes (in all directions); His lips are red like rubies of Yemen; His white teeth like a string of pearls.   I am not sure whether I should call his face the essence of life; Or life of the entire universe; The truth is that it is (like) the glory of God, From which all


                                              GHAZAL                                                        I must utter what comes to my lips. Speaking the truth creates chaos. Telling a lie saves one scarce. I am afraid of both these. Afraid I am both here and there. I must utter what comes to my lips. He who has this secret known. He must peep into his own Lives He in the shrine of peace Where there are no ups and downs I must utter what comes to my lips. It is indeed a slippery park. I take precautions in the dark De inside and see for yourself Why this wild search afar? I must utter what comes to my lips. It is a matter of good form A norm to which we all conform It’s God in every soul you see If he is in me why not in you? I must utter what comes to my lips. (Says Bulleh) the master is not far from me Without him there none could be That explains the suffering and pain But mine is not the eye to see I must say what comes to my

Everyone in this world needs something

                          Everyone In This World Need Something What happens when love take you to another world and show you the depth of every heart? What happens when Love take you beyond the horizon and show you what "meraj" is? And then what happens when the same Love leave you alone on the wet roads? My today's post is for those who loved once, did meraj once and got betrayed once. When something is taken from a baby. he/she cries, shouts and yell. But when love is snatched from someone he/she cries, yell, shouts and never trust anyone again. And then that person becomes a lover. And why most people hate love is because we have to ignore and go through many challenges in Love. This moment this love comes to rest in you, many beings in one being. In one wheat-grain a thousand sheaf stacks. There is a place where voices sing your beauty, A place where every breath carves an image in your soul!! You know why a baby cries when open his eyes? Because he see the

The Spirits of Shams and Rumi are still alive.....

                  The Spirits Of Shams and Rumi are Still Alive..... Between your fingers you hold a stone and throw it into flowing water. The effect might not be easy to see. There will be a small ripple where the stone breaks the surface and then a splash, muffled by the rush of the surrounding river.                                                                  That's All Throw a stone into a lake. The effect will be not only visible but also far more lasting. The stone will disrupt the still waters. A circle will form where the stone hit the water, and in a flash that circle will multiply into another. Before long the ripples caused by one plop will expand until they can be felt everywhere along the mirrored surface of the water. Only when the circles reach the shore will they stop and die out. If the stone hits a river, the river will treat it as yet another commotion in it's already tumultuous course. Nothing unmanageable...  If a stone hits a lake, however


                                             GHAZAL Neither Hindu nor Muslim, Sacrificing Pride,let us sit together. Neither Sunni nor Shia, Let us walk the road of Peace. We are neither hungry nor replete, Neither naked nor covered up. Neither weeping nor laughing, Neither ruined nor settled. We are not sinners not pure and virtuous, What is sin and what is virtue, this I do not know. Says Bulleh Shah,one who attaches his self  with the Lord Gives up being both Hindus and Muslims. Regards, Yashal Jalil

Seek Love Everywhere

                                   SEEK LOVE EVERYWHERE!! I want you to know you secretly inspire me like the stars do to a dreamer and the moons  does to the sea Do you ever feel the need to ask someone if they actually still want you in their life because it always feels like they don't really care?? If not then you are on the right path. It's not always important to quarrel on some useless matters. Because quarrel is not the beginning of Love but TRUST is! It's one thing to LOVE and another to be LOVED but it's when these two loves become one that slowly and beautifully the heavens unravel all its mystery.       Every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back! Love is universal and latent in all people,whether Jews,Christians,Muslims,Fire worshiping Zoroastrians,or idol worshiping Hindus. It is intolerance and hatred which veil Love. When the veils of hatred and intolerance are shredded,the Universal L

World is a stage

                                        WORLD IS A STAGE    I am yours. I am yours as the stars belong to the sky and I am yours as the rivers belong  to the sea. I am yours as your tears belong to your eyes and I am yours as your lungs belong to the pattern in which you breathe.  Yes,this is true that "THE WORLD IS A STAGE". A stage where many performers come,do their role and go back. Yes this is a stage,a stage shared by both good and bad souls. A stage where two types of people live,one who want LOVE and one who want TERROR. Yes,a stage where people just want to see and enjoy the performance. Yes,a stage where the difference between rich and poor is far big. Yes,a stage where LOVE is not the first priority. Yes,a stage where war is considered a part of LIFE. Why this is the bitter reality? Why this stage is not covered with PEACE and LOVE? Why this stage is full of terror?           Sometimes,after looking at the world it seems like a horr


                                           GHAZAL                              Love's drunkyard shines this scrimitar for you.               Rough swoons will pierce a stranger in a bar-for you.               To paradise,the needle's eye is shut-                a camel kneels in purgatory's tar for you.                Never mind hatching fish,swims upstream.                The soggy world will turn to caviar for you.                 No,listen!It's caught,I tell you,now-                 passing hand to hand at the bazaar for you.                 Petrified,the trees uproot and drain.                 Elixirs concoct phantoms in that jar for you.                 Young heart,your boasting crucifies my ear.                  Hush-an arrow rides desire's frantic scar for you.                   A pipe is not a pipe nor sign a sign-                   So what!My secret stash keeps a cigar for you!                   Oh God,you see these prospects do me

There is no wisdom without Love!!

                   There Is No Wisdom Without Love!!   I roamed the narrow alleys where artisans of all ages toiled in their small,dingy stores. In every place I visited,I overheard the townspeople talk about others. But what I noticed was that;                                       It's easy to Love a perfect God,unblemished and infallible that He is. What           is far more difficult is to love fellow human beings with all their imperfections and defects.   Remember,one can only know what one is capable of loving. There is no wisdom without Love!        Unless we learn to love God's creation,we can neither truly love nor truly know God. It is the same Love that Romeo did with Juliet, Heer did with Ranjha, Majnun did with Laila and                                                    Rumi did with Shams    If we start doing this love with every creation of God,I am sure this world will become a peaceful place. You can purify your body through abstinence and fasti

Which ingredient are you putting in the collective stew??

                          Which Ingredient Are You Putting                                     In The Collective Stew??  When i look at the world,I see a deepening quandary. On the one hand,we believe in the freedom and power of the indivisual regardless of God,government,or society. In many ways human beings are becoming more self-centered and the world is becoming more materialistic. On the other hand,humanity as a whole is becoming more spiritual. After relying on reason for so long,we seem to have reached a point where we acknowledge the limits of the mind. Today,just as in medieval times,there is an explosion of interest in spirituality. More and more people in the west are trying to carve out a space for spirituality in the midst of their busy lives. But though they intend well,their methods are often inadequate. Spirituality is not yet another dressing for the same old dish. It is not something we can add to our life without making major changes there. The world is a hug

Love is the water of Life

                            Love Is The Water Of Life Life,what is life??An ocean with no shores or a rose with no fire?? Life is all about Love and Love is an ocean without shores. You have to learn to bear it. Life is all about spirituality;the spirituality which let the light of God pass through you. Life is not the synonym of terror,but instead it is the synonym of Love. The pain in life is not actually the pain but the start of something good. Just as clay needs to go through intense heat to become strong,Love can only be perfected in pain. Love is a gift from God. The universe is one being. Everything and everyone is interconnected through an invisible web of stories. Whether we are aware of it or not,we are all in a silent conversation. One man's pain will hurt us all. One man's joy will make everyone smile. No matter who we are or where we live,deep inside we all feel incomplete. Its like we have lost something and need to get it back. Just what that something is