Which ingredient are you putting in the collective stew??

                          Which Ingredient Are You Putting

                                    In The Collective Stew??

 When i look at the world,I see a deepening quandary. On the one hand,we believe in the freedom and power of the indivisual regardless of God,government,or society. In many ways human beings are becoming more self-centered and the world is becoming more materialistic. On the other hand,humanity as a whole is becoming more spiritual. After relying on reason for so long,we seem to have reached a point where we acknowledge the limits of the mind.
Today,just as in medieval times,there is an explosion of interest in spirituality. More and more people in the west are trying to carve out a space for spirituality in the midst of their busy lives. But though they intend well,their methods are often inadequate. Spirituality is not yet another dressing for the same old dish. It is not something we can add to our life without making major changes there.
The world is a huge cauldron and something big is cooking in it. We dont know what yet. Everything we do,feel,or think is an ingredient to the cauldron. Are we adding resentments,animosities,anger,and voilence?Or are we adding love and harmony?

How about you guys?What ingredients do you think you are putting in the collective stew of humanity?

 Yashal Jalil


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