I am no one explain you what the word 'God' means but I am only here to explain my opinion about God. I have the curiosity to know Him and for this I place many questions in front for God to answer. This may seem wrong to many but the great Shams Tabriz once said that ' Never judge the way people connect to God.'
The problem today is that the world values answers over questions. But questions should matter so much more. Whenever I see duality, I smash it into tiny little pieces. I make plurality out of singularity and complexity out of simplicity. And many of you would have done this. For me simplicity is not priority because our minds are not set for it. Our minds are made for the turns and twists of life.

     Daring to know yourself means daring to destroy yourself. First, we  must pull ourselves apart. Then, with the same pieces, we will assemble a new self.

What if bad comes into good and good into bad? What if devil comes into God and God into devil? The faces we see in the mirrors are not really ours. Just reflections. We can find our true selves in the faces of others.

The only difference in our perspective is that I say everything is God and you say everything is God's.
I mean that look at everything deeply, don't you feel the essence of God, Don't you see God?

OK, let's play a game.
If I were to inform you that behind your room's door God awaits, you can't see Him but you can hear His voice, what would you want Him to tell you? Not you as representative of humankind but you in person - one and only.
I am waiting for your answers in the comment box.....

Yashal Jalil


  1. i wish He tell me " I accept ur Bandagi and enter you in my beloved and blessed ppl" :)

  2. I love reading ur blogs
    Pls keep posting
    Ur blogs seem like a fresh breeze soothing my soul

  3. That HE The Almighty has pardoned my sins and made me of the righteous ones. Ameen :)

  4. I would want Him to tell me...but how can I want?...I wish He would whisper to my soul about my annihilation into the divine that I crave for...
    For our reflection is in others..so v don't exist...I don't exist...
    And I don't exist...I am a particle in this universe.

    Beautifully designed writing as an eye opener for us... I crave more of your writings ��


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