Should God Apologize??

Last time I left you all with a simple but interesting and important question that what you really want God to say about you.....I got many answers, some in the comment box, other through email and my twitter account. Everyone, I mean every single person wants to hear God saying that He pardoned them.
That's quite a good answer but no one actually said that they want to hear Him saying that He loves them and they really matter.......
There's no wisdom without Love. No Love without freedom, And no freedom unless we dare to walk away from what we have become.

       Many desire to see their names in print,
     Many read nothing but the race report,
                 Much is your reading but not the word of God,
                    Much is your building but not the House of God.

But one answer really persuaded me to think......One of my friend from France answered that he wants God to apologize for all the injustice.
My dear friend '' Justice '' seems a very big and fancy word!! The greatest bigots in history committed the gravest injustice in the name of justice.
Remember that in looking for God, we are looking for Love.
Although I appreciate your opinion dear fellow but beware of that ''justice'' you ask for!  
Dear fellow, you asked why God created suffering.....let me tell you and every other person who blames God for creating suffering  that God created suffering so that joy might appear through its opposite. Things become manifest through opposites. But God has no opposite and since He has no opposite, He remains hidden. Whatever happens, do not forget, nothing God has created is in vain, whether wrath or forbearance, honesty or guile. 
I am really sorry for my harsh tune.......Stay blessed dear fellows.

Yashal Jalil 


  1. Opposites attract...universal truth. Day &night. Sky & earth. Black & white.
    Wisdom is the ability to comprehend.comprehension comes with blessings. Blessings come from love . love is an expression of within.
    Dear writer, you have explained the concept of God and His blessings so explicitly keeping in view the understanding of public. Truly appreciable 🖒

  2. Beautifully written YJC...Whole heartedley agree, suffering is the opposite of non suffering and non suffering can only be attained through love. Suffering is separation from love and all the injustices in this world are committed by human beings who are separated from Love. You have beautifully and very simply summed up a very deep truth.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agreed! But i think that God wisdom is very powerful. All things happening on this Earth as well as outside the Earth is under the great wisdom of God, but the main concept is that, "WHAT WE WANT FROM GOD SAYS TO US"? Accornding to mine thinking; God wanna says to us that " WORSHIP ME", "PARDON OTHER SINS", "BE KIND TO MINE CREATURES", "KEEP THANKING OF MINE EVERY BLESSING", and my dearest peoples not to DISHARD of what Allah has not blessed us, cause sometimes ALLAH dont blessed with those things we want cause there is something good hidden ".


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