What Does Your Heart Say?

How long were you going to shrink from God when you could instead start to love Him?
Heart always whispers,'' Be aware of the place where you are brought to tears. That's where I am, and that's where your treasure is.''
I don't know what will be your reaction after reading this post but I am a believer of words and they call me ''wizard of words''. I play with my words to make a place in your heart.
Some people cry in the mosque and some are flooded with tears in a tavern.
When a true lover of God goes into a tavern, the tavern becomes his chamber of prayer, but when a wine bibber goes into the same chamber, it becomes his tavern. In everything we do, it is our hearts that make the difference, not our outer appearances. Sufis do not judge other people on how they look or who they are. When a Sufi stares at someone, he keeps both his eyes closed and instead opens a third eye-the eye that sees the inner realm. Take a look around. Every man you see here is the son of Adam. Every woman you see here is the daughter of Eve. Neither noble nor rich by birth. It doesn't matter who your father is or where you came from. All that matters is your intention and the way your heart pursued for. The path to the truth is a labor of the heart, not of the head. Make your heart your primary guide! Not your mind. Meet, Challenge, and ultimately prevail over your nafs with your heart. Knowing yourself will lead you to the knowledge of God. To each his own way and his own prayers. God does not take us at our word. He looks deep into our hearts. It is not the ceremonies or rituals that make a difference, but whether our hearts are sufficiently pure or not.
Eyesight conflicts with inner knowledge. No eye sees so clear and sharp as the eye of love. Because although it is a fact that He cannot be found by seeking, only those who seek can find Him.
Oh, Life of the Heart, Nizamuddin
Desire for a Sixth Part is now boiling
Because of your magnetic wisdom
A Book of Nizam circulates in the world
Oh, Spiritual One, I dedicate to you
A Sixth Part, the ending of Masnavi

                                            What does your heart says??

Yashal Jalil


  1. Perfect and awesome. You are holding the candle and burning the hearts with true spirit of spirituality. Thanks for enlightenment.

  2. Amazing. Your every blog brings one closer to reality and makes us understand more of what life and its fussing is all about. Everything we thrive or struggle opens doors to bring us closer to God. It just needs an inner eye to understand


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