
" Nothing new can come into your life unless
 you are grateful for what you already have "

Gratitude.....have you ever heard of this word? If no then let me tell you what it actually means: its a state of being grateful, but if you already know about it then have you ever thought about implementing it in your life?
Have you ever seen that young boy selling hot eggs on the streets in extreme winters or that little girl finding children of her age, not to play with them, but to sell them the balloons?? Have you observed that old mother rushing towards every car to find some money so that she can buy something for her kids to eat?? Have you ever noticed that old man selling vegetables but have nothing to give his family??
Yes, we see such people everyday but have but have we ever thought about their problems... No! because we never get time from our problems so big that we are always ready to blame God for them. Many of us are always ready to paint the situation in dark colors. We are becoming too pessimistic, we try our level best to find the negative in everything. But have we ever considered thanking our Lord for so many things He blessed us with. Everyday may not be good but there's good in everyday. We are afraid of losing what we have, whether its our life or possessions and property. But this fear evaporates when we understand that our life stories and the history of the world is written by the same hand. We forget that God loves us and can never want anything bad for us but we never thanked Him. Every breath is a blessing of the Lord. Learn to express gratitude. Gratitude for each and everything. Even if a person gives you a glass of water, thanks him. Because expressing gratitude shifts your energy. It puts you in harmony with your source of supply so that the good in everything moves towards you.  Try to understand that it is not people who are giving you the things you desire. If you hold that false belief, you will experience lack because you are looking at the outside world and people as the supply. The true and infinite supply is the invisible field, whether you call that the universe, the supreme mind, God, Infinite intelligence or whatever else. Be kind, be thankful, be genuine but most of all Be Thankful. 
Here's a little exercise from tonight until the next 7 days, list down 25 things you are thankful for each need not be lofty, even something as small as a good haircut counts, just focus on the gratitude you feel in your heart when you think of these this meticulously and see the magic unfold.
Don't forget to give me views about your experience.

Yashal Jalil


  1. Gratitude is self actualization in divine terms for me. Gratefulness is realizing the present moment.
    V well depiction of gratitude by the esteemed writer... well acknowledged by my councious.

  2. "Try to understand that it is not people who are giving you the things you desire." very basic point of our daily life. i will add that "it is not people who give us things or took away our things from us so instead of envoy to them or nourishing hatred in our heart we must try to find out the real reason of losing our blessings.

  3. The words shift of energy and harmony with the supply captivated me alot.Thanks for refreshing our souls with your soulful words.


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