What color was Adam?

Despite all the rich ideological conflicts between us, all agree that there once was a human- the first of us- who wandered in search of his kind and suddenly found love. The story of Adam and Eve is probably the oldest and most fascinating one. However, today's post is not about the story but the kind. 

As the fight over color reignited recently, I couldn't stop but wonder about Adam; what color was the first of humans? 

Children's books belonging to different regions illustrate Adam accordingly. To some, he may be a blue-eyed blonde, while to others, he embodies more of a bronze skin. But, what if Adam- in reality- was a butch black? Would you wring his neck too?

If this comes out to be true, apart from the morally stinking, I fancy that people would not stop calling Adam the father of all humanity. The question here, though, arises that when the color of the father doesn't matter, why are his children divided over the dye their skin wears?

The brutal deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and many other silent victims are a morning bell for us when dawn shall hit our eyes and wake our slumbered senses. Mindfully, embracing the differences among us, we must stop the Cain(s) around, and unbind our tied tongues. By shouldering our wrongly oppressed black brothers and sisters, we, together, can eradicate racism and every bias that exists. For, only when black lives will matter, shall all lives matter. 

Let's make Adam proud.


Yashal Jalil


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